Sunday, March 20, 2016

Horizontal Front Spar is ready

In the last few days I have primed and riveted both Rear Horizontal Spar and Front Horizontal Spar. Since everything was prepared for priming and riveting since November or 2015, it was rather fast and enjoyable thing to do. I did have to remind myself and practice on a few rivets because it has been such a long break, but I hope things turned out OK.

Yesterday night I've pulled new parts out. Started steps 3 and 4 on page 8-6. I've trimmed four Inspar Ribs.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Rear horisontal spar is ready

In the past few days I managed to get back to garage and tried to do a thing here or there.
I've riveted Rear Horizontal Spar. It was interesting to note that the damaged hole in the flange of the spar behaved just like it was a solid piece of metal. I drilled it, the machine countersunk it, just like the metal. JB Weld is really awesome!