Sunday, November 29, 2015

Horisontal Stabilizer update

Since around November 7, 2015 I've been working on the first few pages of the Horizontal Stabilizer (Section 8).
I've made brackets, I've rearranged work tables wings and fuselage in our garage so we can walk by all that and I can still work.
I've deburred all edges and lightening holes on rear spar, and on the rear spar doubler. I've match drilled them and elevator hinges. Then I've deburred all holes.
Then I did the same for the front spar and doubler.
I've made the part on page 8-3.

I've pulled HS-1013, HS-1014, and HS-1015, cut them and deburred.
Then I've deburred all edges and lightening holes on front spar, and on the front spar doubler.
Past couple of days I've been match drilling spar caps, doubler, brackets and deburring all that.
Today, when I was almost done with page 8-5 where I countersunk nine holes in the flanges of the front spar, a leading tip of the countersink cutter broke and I've made a too deep hole. Let's see what Vans tell me about it (I've emailed them already).

 Here are the spars and spar caps. Kind of what I've done in the past weeks.

 Doubler, and brackets on the front spar.

And these are the hinges on the rear spar.

I expect to receive Prekote next Wednesday, so hopefully soon I will have time to prime all these parts.

I'm sitting in our airplane!!!

Last Saturday I got to sit in our RV-10!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Horisontal stabilizer begins

Last Sunday, I started HS by making forward spar brackets. To make sure I did things right I went to my friend Art Cole to do them. They seemed to turn out well.